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    B.C.S.C. - AUCTION  2018-2 NOW CLOSED Realised Prices
BCSC lot  


n° COB - Stibbe Minimum Bid
    Mols Stamps    
1   1894 issue 5c blue, full reconstruction of plate I1 + A1 (50 stamps, 29 LH, 21 used). Varieties : double entry of centre plate # 44 & 45, COB >1000 €,ex-Keach 14 75.00 €
2   1894 issue 5 c green, two half-sheets of 25 stamps (40 UM, 10 LH), reconstructing an entire sheet, plate I1 +B1, COB> 265 € 16 17.000 €
3   1894 issue 5 c green, full reconstruction of two plates (I1 + B1 & I2 + B2), 100 stamps (47 LH & 53 used), COB 120 €, ex-Keach 16 + 16a 9.00 €
4   1894 issue 10 c carmine, full sheet, plate I2 + A4, 50 stamps (40 UM & 10 LH), slight oxidation on the top 5 stamps, COB 410 € 19 20.00 €
5   1894 issue, 5 F carmine, full reconstruction of plate I1 + A1, 50 stamps (6 LH & 44 used), COB > 2300 €, ex-Keach 28 175.00 €
6   1894 issue, 10 F green, partial reconstruction of plate I2 + A1, perf 12, 32 stamps (1 LH & 31 used),COB > 2400 €, ex-Keach 29a 140.00 €
7   1909 issue, 5c green typo overprint, nearly full reconstruction of plate I2 + B2, 49 stamps (45 LH + 4 used) only position 33 is missing, COB >430 €,ex-Keach 40 22.00 €
8   1909 issue, 5F carmine typo overprint, nearly full reconstruction of plate I1 + A1, 46 stamps (7 LH + 39 used), BOC >1900 €, ex-Keach 48 95.00 €
9   1909 unilingual issue, full reconstruction of plates of the four stamps of the set, (94 LH + 106 used),COB >1860 €, ex-Keach 50/53 90.00 €
10   1909 unilingual issue, 10 c carmine , two half sheets of 25 stamps reconstructing an entire sheet, plate I1 + A5, 50 stamps (48 UM, 2LH), some rust spots,COB >240 € 51 10.00 €
11   1909 issue, 5c green typo overprint, two half sheet reconstructing a full sheet, plate I2 + B2, 50 stamps UM, COB >1700 € 40 80.00 €
12   1915 issue, 40 c carmine brown, two full sheets of 50 stamps, 94 UM + 6 LH, with both known plate combinations I1 + A2 & I1 + A3. COB > 1800 €, 68 110.00 €
13   1922 issues full sets + 1921 issue 1F carmine on large registered cover from Boma to Brussels. Two different kinds of Boma cancellations (with stars and with "POSTES"). #102 (25/40 c) is perf 15 (rare). 91 + 95/103 40.00 €
    Belgian Congo & Ruanda-Urundi stamps & covers    
14   1942 issue, 5c red, 10c olive, 20 c blue, each full sheet of 100 stamps UM, but in two halves. COB 45 € 228,249,251 1.00 €
15   1923 issue Vloors, 30c rose, half sheet (50 stamps UM), COB 100 (e) 111 5.00€
16   1924 Ruanda-Urundi 1924 issue Vloors, 5c orange yellow, two bloks of 40 stamps UM, each sheet corner. COB € 24 50 1.00€
17   1947/60 lot of 7 covers, included airmail cover and FDC (5). Beautiful lot 3.50€
18   1944 censor cover, with Belgian Congo and British censor tapes, from Leopoldville 11-3-1944 to Stockholm,Sweden 5.00€
19   1944 censor cover, with Belgian Congo and British censor tapes, from Leopoldville 28-3-1944 to Stockholm,Sweden 5.00€
20   1958 Cover to Buta (lower Uele) with flowers issue 20 c (printed matter). Special cancellation "Matadi-Vivi-Stanley 23-12-1958" 5.00 €
21   1962 FDC UN Force India, FPO 716, COB 40 € , slightly dirty item 4.00 €
22   1934/1959 interesting small collection of B. Congo stamps between 1934 and 1959, mostly UM, some LH or used, with 1941 issue 5F olive green UM, 1947 issue 100 F UM, several (8) 1942 issue corner of sheet items with sheet numbers, Vloors 1 F blue with Specimen, etc. COB value > 85 € between 125 & 353 7.50 €
23   1938 National Parks issue, 5c (11), 1 F 50 (4), 2,40 (1), 4,50 (3) UM : shades, blocks of four 196A/200 2.00 €
24   1938 National Parks issue, 1 F 50 (4) interpanel block with variety "small lake" (gray spot under the waterfall). UM and pristine condition. 199 4.50 €
25   1956 Mozart issue, FDC,COB 35 € 339/40 6.00 €
26   1931 Vloors w/surcharge issue, full set, LH, COB 40 € 159/61A
27   1955 Ruanda-Urundi aerogram 4F green vertical watermark, mint, tiny marginal tears on the upper side 1.50 €
28   1921 Small collection of airmail stamps (21), LH or used. 1.00 €
29   1886 issue King Leopold II, 5c green (3), 10 c rose (4), 25 c blue (2), LH. Good condition. COB >205 € 1/3 30.00 €
30   1887 issue, 5c green (4 LH), 10 c rose (2 LH, 3 used), 25c blue (4 LH), 50 c brown (2, one LH with a missing perf, the other is with no gum). 6/9 6.00 €
31   1887 issue 5 F gray (2), LH, good condition but each with a missing perf at upper right or left corner + a fake (?) or proof (?) imperforated stamp. COB value >350 € 12 35.00 €
32   1887 issue 25 and 50 F gray, LH. 25 F : missing perf, 50 F curiosity of perforation but good condition. LH. cob value >88 €. 13A/B 15.00 €
33   1946 Two airmail covers, special flights from Belgium to Congo and back to Belgium 3.50 €
34   1918 Postcard (postal stationery, Stibbe 44, with picture of a house glued on the reverse. Most probably CTO Boma 10 avril 1918, with additional postage stamp COB 66 . Rust spots, nevertheless rather beautiful item Stibbe 44 3.00 €
35   1909 issue, 15 c ochre, different local overprints, 6 stamps (2 LH, 4 used). Two used stamps have defects : oxidation (1), missing perfs (1). 32L 7.00€
36   1909 issue, 25 c blue, local overprint L1 (3 : 1 used,2 LH) and local overprint L4 LH, very good condition, COB value >90 €. 33La+33L 19.00€
    Republic of Congo    
37   1960 collection between COB 373 (1960) and 834 (1973), UM, LH, used + 3 covers and 1 postcard. Good condition. between 373 & 834 9.50€
38   1968 issue, 1k/2F inverted surcharge, block of 4,UM. COB value 40 €. 663Cu 6.00€
39   1960 collection between COB # 372 (1960) and # 612 (1966), mainly full sets included some imperforated, LH, very good condition. between 372 & 612 14.00 €
40   1962 Dag Hammarskjöld issue, full set in blocks of four with first day of issue cancellation, pristine condition. COB value 44 €.909 issue, local overprint L1, 10 F green, perf 12, used.; 454/61 3.50€
41   1961 President Kasavubu issue, full set UM, BOC 27€ 430/44 4.50€
42   1961 Dag Hammarskjöld issue, BL 11, UM, pristine condition.COB value 12 €. BL 11 2.00€
43   1961 Dag Hammarskjöld issue, BL 11, FDC, pristine condition.COB value 12 €. BL 11 2.00€
44   1979 Golden stamp of President Mobutu, imperforated.COB value 50 €. 966 9.00€
45   1960/73 lot of 5 FDC, between 1960 and 1973, good condition 3.00 €
46   1960/71 lot of 5 FDC, between 1960 and 1971, good condition 3.00 €
47   1966 lot of 5 airmail covers + 1 postcard, beautiful frankings, between 1966 and 1977. 5.00 €
48   1961 Interesting collection of Katanga, UM and used, with inverted overprints on the African Animals issue,postage due stamps UM, private overprint, etc 9.50 €
49   12.09.60 issue, 3F , full set, inverted overprint, UM, tiny gum adherences. BOC value 30 €. 4/5Cu 5.00 €
50   1964 Stanleyville "République populaire" issue COB 17,UM, with sheet margin 17 4.00 €
51   1934 Airmail stamps 1930 issue, full set (15 F + 30 F),UM PA5/6 5.00 €
52   1921 issue, 15c/50C olive, block of 45 stamps (nearly full sheet of 50), UM, perf14, good condition 87 3.00 €
53   1909 issue, 1F carmine typo overprint , perf 14, LH 46 8.00€
54   1909 issue, 1F carmine typo overprint , perf 14, LH 46 8.00€
55   1909 issue, 5F carmine red typo overprint , perf 14,og 48 15.00€
56   1909 issue, 10c carmine (unilingual) on view postcard, from Buta 28.06.1910 to Dinant (Belgium) 51 4.50€
57   1944 Cover from Manono 21.8.44 to Bath, UK. Censor of Elisabethville, censor tapes of Congo (E'ville) and Great Britain 9.50€
58   1944 Cover from Elisabethville 20.10.44 to Wellesley,Mass., USA, censor tape of Elisabethville, figure 8 (censor # 8). 12.00€
59   1944 Cover from Jadotville 5.3.44 to Wellesley, Mass.,USA, censor tape, # of censor 8, censor tape of the USA 12.00€
60   1957 Cover from Leopoldville 14.3.57 to Paris, France. French postage due stamps. Good condition 8.00€
61   1951 1942 issue,1,75 F black Maximum Card with a leopard , cancellation Leopoldville 21.12.51 + 3 different stamps with an African leopard 2.50 €
62   1910 Two postcards with 10 c carmine (1910 issue) and 5/40 c (1921 issue). 55+85 3.00 €
63   1926 1923 Vloors issue, 75 c gray blue, on small cover from Elisabethville to Elisabethville (internal mail). Very good condition 3.00€
64   1925 Postal stationery, 30 c carmine-brown, view postcards Stibbe 62, cancelled Coquilhatville to Belgium, View # 109 & 117 Stibbe 62 5.00€
65   1937 Two beautiful small covers with 1952 flowers issue 6,50 F from Leo to Belgium (airmail) and 1931 issue 75 c carmine red (pair) from Aba to Brussels. 2.00€
66   1945 Cover from Johannesburg, South Africa, 4.5.45,censored on arrival in Elisabethville, by censor #6,censor tapes of South Africa and Belgian Congo 10.00€
67   1944 Airmail Cover from Elisabethville via Leopoldville to New York, USA. Censor tapes from Belgian Congo (bureau of E'ville) and from the USA. Censor # 6 in E'ville. 10.00€
68   1923 8 Vloors stamps, all with telegraphic cancellations (Likasi and Thysville) 2.00 €
69   1922 Postal stationery, 30 c carmine-brown, view postcards Stibbe 62, written but not cancelled, View # 101 1.00 €
70   1943 Cover from Manono 01.6.43 to New York, USA, via Cape Town. It has not been censored ! Why ? Interesting explanation is joined… 8.00€